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Desert Tile & Grout Restore


How to Clean Kitchen Tiles: A Step-By-Step Guide

Desert Tile Blogger • Sep 02, 2020

It is essential to keep your kitchen tile clean, but how can you do it? This step-by-step guide shows how to clean kitchen tiles.

how to clean kitchen tiles

You might think your kitchen is pristine and clean, but we have some shocking news for you:

Your kitchen might actually be dirtier than your toilet seat. 

Now, we're not exactly recommending you prep tonight's dinner in the bathroom, but it's worth considering. Have you gotten into all the nooks and crannies? More specifically—do you know how to clean kitchen tiles?

Most homeowners have an idea of how to clean granite countertops, appliances, the floor, and the like. But in this guide, we cover a lesser-known topic: cleaning kitchen tiles. Knowing how to do this small but significant chore can seriously up the cleanliness factor of the heart of your home.

Please keep reading for our expert tips!

Do a Dry Clean First

Before you get into the wet ingredients, such as disinfectants or sanitizers, start with the dry items, like your broom and dustpan.

Give your floors a thorough sweeping. If you have pets, a microfiber towel at the end of a stick can collect and gather hairs like no other. Make the floor clear of dirt, hair, food crumbs, and more, beforeyou begin the process of sanitizing. 

Additionally, run the broom over the floor once a day to avoid the accumulation of debris. This process makes your deep-cleaning much easier (and quicker).

Be Nitpicky With the Grout

Your tiles may look great, but if the grout is dirty or stained, your job will feel fruitless.

You only need to focus on the grout when it's become an eyesore—say, every month, or every other month. In between grout cleanings, you can get away with a simple floor mopping once a week, or more often considering your kitchen's traffic.

Use hot water to start, wiping down the surface to remove any visible grime.

Next, use a cleaning solution (homemade or store-bought) in a spray bottle to spray the grout, allowing the product to rest and soak in for at least five minutes.

Then, use a small brush, such as a toothbrush, to scrub the grout clean. During this process, avoid using any sharp or metal objects, which could damage the tiles or cause the grout to come out.

Time for the Wet Clean

After you've gotten into the little nooks of the grout, it's time for your overall wet cleaning—it's mopping time!

Using warm water is best for mopping and cleaning purposes. Mix your cleaning solution with warm water, and mop your tiles in sections to make the process less overwhelming. Periodically wring out your mop to avoid oversaturating, and dip it in the cleaning solution often to get more disinfectant on the mop.

If your mop brush looks dirty, wash it and/or change it out for a clean one. When you're done mopping, allow the tiles to air-dry. Keep pets and people out of the kitchen until then!

Now You Know How to Clean Kitchen Tiles

Using these tips, your kitchen tiles will be sparkling and beautiful in no time.

Practice the above techniques weekly (or, at the least, monthly), and you'll feel pride every time you walk into the kitchen to prepare a meal.

At Desert Tile & Grout Restore, we know how to clean kitchen tiles, too—therefore providing you with the services and cleaning products you need to make your kitchen shine. Click here to check out our work, and let us know if you have any questions or would like a quote!

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